Sculpting Legos
For a lego party
Make your own legos from fondant or gum paste
Kids love legos, and kids love cake! A lego cake is the perfect combo for any occasion. Making legos out of fondant is easy and fun, so, let’s get started!
To start…
…gather your materials! To make the lego blocks, you’ll need:
A nice sharp knife and/or a bench scraper
A mat or parchment paper to roll on
A rolling pin
#8 or #10 tip for cutting the round tops out.
Tips as you work
Make sure your fondant is very pliable. Warm it in the microwave for a few seconds to make it easier to work with. Working with one color at a time, roll out the fondant to your desired thickness. It helps to have a real lego nearby as a guide for the proportions.
Once you’ve rolled out the fondant, cut the lego-sized pieces and set aside. Determine the thickness you want to make your little top dots and roll out a second piece to that thickness. Using your tip cutter, quickly cut out all the circles. If the fondant has trouble sticking together, use sugar glue, or a little bit of water to help the pieces stick together.
Once you have finished the lego toppers, you can immediately place them on a cake, or store them for later use. If you are storing them, I recommend that you store them on a piece of parchment or waxed paper in a covered container of some sort. Enjoy your lego themed treat!